
Posted on November 04, 2015

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The Great Conversation Continues with Dr. Bas van der Vossen, UNCG Dept. of Philosophy

Do countries like the United States (but others as well) have a moral right to close their borders to immigrants? One argument in support of an affirmative answer to this question has recently again become popular among philosophers. This is the argument that countries have such rights because of some other right: their right to political self-determination. I will inspect this argument and compare it to discussions about the autonomy or self-determination of persons. This, I will argue, should lead us to reject that claim. Thus, while other arguments might still be pressed, we will be closer to the view that morality forbids simply closing the borders.

Thursday, September 22nd, Faculty Center, 5:00 pm

The Great Conversation is sponsored by the Philosophy Dept and Phi Sigma Tau and offers an opportunity for students and faculty
of all disciplines to join us in philosophical inquiry.

Bring your good mind and bring a friend!

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