The Mysteries of Mathematics

Posted on February 13, 2015

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The Great Conversation Continues with Dr. Steve Danford

Anyone who has studied physics knows of the intimate bonds between physics and mathematics. We’ll use several examples from physics and astrophysics to explore these connections, and to speculate on the nature of mathematics. How mathematics works in the service of physics will be easy to see. Why it is so efficacious is much more difficult to understand.

Dr. Steve Danford, Dartmouth College Dept. of Philosophy,
will lead a discussion about mathematics, astrophysics, and mystery.

February 18th, Faculty Center, 5:00 pm

The Great Conversation is sponsored by the Philosophy Dept and Phi Sigma Tau and offers an opportunity for students and faculty
of all disciplines to join us in philosophical inquiry.

Bring your good mind and bring a friend!

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