The Sniper and the Lone Sentry

Posted on November 04, 2015

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The Great Conversation Continues with Mike Matteson, UNCG Dept. of Philosophy

War is hell. It is a condition in which soldiers are justified in killing one another and in which soldiers are liable to being killed. The Just War tradition has been engaged in trying to make this hell as tolerable as it can be. This Great Conversation will engage the question of what soldiers should (or must) do when confronted with a “harmless soldier” in war. We will discuss the arguments of Just War heavy hitters such as Michael Walzer and Larry May as they apply to these cases and discuss how we should react or expect our soldiers to react in these situations.

Thursday, February 24th, Faculty Center, 5:00 pm

The Great Conversation is sponsored by the Philosophy Dept and Phi Sigma Tau and offers an opportunity for students and faculty
of all disciplines to join us in philosophical inquiry.

Bring your good mind and bring a friend!

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